Dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest
Dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest

dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest

Fixed numerous collision issues related to EV2’s Death from Above ability.Fixed an issue where selling EV2’s nodes while at maximum defense mana would not drop mana equal to the node cost.Fixed an issue where the Arcane Resilience and Null Void bonuses to health were being applied after the tower was placed, causing the tower to be damaged when it first spawned.Fixed an issue where some Ignite cases were not counting toward the Ignite Daily Mission.Improved the loading time on the session list.Fixed a crash that happened when inspecting someone's deck and then clicking hero info/costume as someone else was loading into the session.Fixed a crash when leaving a map as somebody else was loading in.The stat increases from EV2’s Buff Beam did not improve from Tier 2 to Tier 3 and from Tier 4 to Tier 5.O Changed the color of Series EV2's card back frame. O Added Series EV2 bag icon for premium bags. O Pause menu will now display the mode and difficulty of the current match. New Abyss Lord Costume: the Depth Lord!.O This week’s Bonus Mission: Win the Bling King Incursion! Bonus Missions are completable in 1-2 play sessions and give more Medals per playtime than our previous Monthly Missions. O As part of our effort to increase the earn rate of Medals, Monthly Missions have become Bonus Missions. O Similar to the Spectral Knight Incursion, an up-to iPWR 750 loot piece will drop from the Victory Chest! This weapon slows enemies and turns them into gold! O This iPWR 750 bow drops exclusively on the Bling King Incursion. O The Kobold King is extorting Little-Horn Valley, and it’s up to you to meet his demands for gold or he’ll destroy the Inn! The Bling King Incursion on Little-Horn Valley:.

Dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest update#

The Bling King update is available now! Here are the patch notes:

Dungeon defenders 2 terraria golden chest